Saturday 21 January 2012

Advise from a Friend to Believers in God - Christianity - Status of Jesus by 2 Interpretations

1. The Metaphorical Jesus:
Over the status of Jesus and how to remove the apparent contradiction and the moral trouble with Jesus being tortured and killed on the cross, it can be worthwhile to consider this thought:
if you consider Jesus to be a kind of symbolism that goes like the following, I think you'll be better off. Alright, Jesus is (now) to be considered "purely symbolic" and it should spark these lines.
1. It might be that God loves humanity so much that he would incarnate on earth as "his Son, Jesus".
2. But this thought is so abruptly wrong because humanity loves God back and can't bear such an experience. Thus God is asked to refrain from this and the humanity to God and vice versa of love is by this affirmed!

Hallelujah! Enjoy your religion!

Just in case it's worth something, it may be that my interpretation as suggestion to Christianity may unite it to Islam and Judaism because it hypothetically can be accepted in all three, yet only has a definite status in one -> Concl: Theology stays the same, but the 3, JCI now with the possibility to share a greater deal of understanding and coming across as honest, cross-religiously with this.

Note: First published on Twitter and

2. The Jesus Christ as Symbol for Revenge on Sinners:
So on to Jesus Christ: can it be that "Jesus died under _sinners_ (as Pilatus chose the awful criminal to a fine man, Jesus) and that we are to put skulls of sinners under his cross for him (as humanity) so that he can go/fly back home to Heaven?"

The meaning here of course is that Humanity is _set religiously free_ from sins by killing/punishing the sinners over them killing "innocence"/superiority of God impersonated by Jesus!

With both of these interpretations the alleged paradox of Jesus vanishes completely! The latest is though much harder, much more cool!

What is your thought on this? I've now delivered two interpretations on the part of
Jesus and the meaning of his person in the Bible, one is metaphorical!
The meaning here of course is that Humanity is _set religiously free_ from sins by killing/punishing the sinners over them killing "innocence"/superiority of God impersonated by Jesus!

This is in line with my investigation of the Bible as an important cultural document, over its metaphorics and wisdom, if not the facts are found as such, more or less correctly written to the best ability of that time. I'm NOT a Christian, I'm a Scientologist (who respects all other "beliefs and creeds", according to the teachings of Scientology itself and its great tolerance)!

Note: This has first been written to Facebook under my profile, Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, some minutes ago!

Friday 6 January 2012

Project for the "Scientific Bible" - Philosophy of Religion?

Supporting the "scientific Bible": You need to remember that when the Bible was written some 1500 years ago they were... forgive me, simpletons...! They probably sat there and babbled over numbers and said "give me a big number!" and the answer from the buddy was "6000?". Alright, that's a big number, my good man, it is now written! This is the way the Bible came into being. They had no clue over 900 000 things and so on... And they certainly didn't have the Carbon-14 (C-14) dating method in place either! Thus, I think one can expect most or all "reasonable religious people to reject or do away with the old notions of "religious truths" and that it's not serious to bother to hold these old views AGAINST religious people _unless_ they promote these stupid ideas of "these ancestors of ours, these simpletons!" Alright? Put the idiocy to the anachronistic religious people...! By the way, the highest number of the Roman Numbers is M = 1000, so there they sit with 6 Ms and it's almost impossible to describe 900 000 things with the Roman Numbers. So certainly, the "Scientific Bible" should be made!

One thing more over this "evolution theory" (as if it could be crucial whatsoever): There is NO religious _duty_ to stay WITH the description of fx. the Bible (by Noah's Ark and the 6000 year old planet) as such. The core of Religious belief is ethics, meaning, true description and a possibleknowledge entailment of its claims of Heaven or some stage toward reincarnation! Thus, every Religious person can _accept science w/o qualms and PLACE Religion on TOP of this, w/o any (formal) problem_ whatsoever! This is point nr. 2 _pro_-Scientific Bible!

Note: first written to Facebook 04.01.2012, by time, 03:39 CET.