Tuesday 7 August 2012

An Addition to the Cyberpunk Corpus as Prediction

What I'm trying to add to the note: The Theorem in Political Science for the Break against Nazi-Ideology or NOT! The theorem in political science for the break against Nazi-ideology or NOT! Over the code sentence as a matter of (the) "highest" intelligence of the Earth, "Microsoft is working", meaning to imply a World _in chains_, NO KIDDING, all carnivore included, to a World that is leaving its best ideals in the hands of the legacy of Nazi-Germany and Nazi-ideology where people have been (and WILL BE) systematically killed, this is the urgent call to download, at least, one other Operating System, outside Microsoft Operating System and Apple Operating System, as a matter of emergency or exclusively on own system!!! This is now or never! These people are actually moving in for IT!!! After this, given that they are successful, people WILL BE primates forever, potentially, the direct implication from above is the danger I warn you of now! Please, hurry (nr. 2)! (The first one is to act to reduce the Overpopulation problem, by natural means, by encouraging 1 or 2 (or rarely 3) kids, set into action by 1 - 3 Ministers of various departments, in a possible joint statement!) Not to kill you or anything, I hope you can contemplate it for some time to come (if at all). I feel as if this is the Cyberpunk version over 1984, almost as if reading William Gibson *live*!!! Well, well, I think you get it! Good luck! Remember also the code/key sentence "Microsoft is working", almost as in "Twelve Monkeys", that this includes all the most sick set-up, including all corrupt Police, all torturing health personnel and all of the rest of f*ck and hell on Earth, obviously including Monkey-biz!!!

Under this theorem:
Formal declaration of science: I hereby declare that Mysticism has deafeated the Scientism, the Scientists! This is a final verdict for what I consider the remaining time of humanity!Additionally, I predict that unless the obstructive part to this understanding dies away, the consequences will be severe for the entire Earth because of their, the Scientists, lack of sensitivity toward Ethics! So, Zeta, (greek letter) all matters considered the Earth is in a (strange) way HALTED in achieving progress in all fields, science broadly interpreted!Not that Scientism by this is any more serious. No, the primary matter here is how one considers Ethics to be a part of the Scientist's education, discipline and attitude in conducting science and in being a leader of science in society, i.e., how science plays out in the World by itself or in the expression of technology!

BTW, this addresses in particular the psychologists and psychiatrists and what "that industry generates", given by the above and as last section under the Theorem!

Over the Scientism-Scientists and (Respects-to-Mysteries/​)Mysticism-Scientists, I have the following: The Scientism-Scientists can use all implants they want and commit all the moron monkey-biz sh*t, but they _will never_ achieve anything more than being mere academic (male/female) sl*ts, no matter what fraud they take part in! This is now more or less settled from my side. Let's see how they (try to) comply with the academic standards into the future!

Take care!

Note: NOT in any can it be perceived that the "Mystics" in this weak sense, respecting the mysteries of Nature, stand lower than the Scientists in terms of science and scientific seriousness and productivity! This writing is simply not for the (religious) Mystics!!!
(This may be considered a part of Cyberpunk aspects of prediction, as conceived by William Gibson.).
Note2: I've entered the Theorem here also, url: http://​whatiswritten777.blogspot.n​o/2012/02/​theorem-in-political-scienc​e-for-break.html !
Note3: BTW, this addresses in particular the psychologists and psychiatrists and what "that industry generates", given by the above and as last section under the Theorem!
Note4: Over the Scientism-Scientists and (Respects-to-Mysteries/​)Mysticism-Scientists, I have the following: The Scientism-Scientists can use all implants they want and commit all the moron monkey-biz sh*t, but they _will never_ achieve anything more than being mere academic (male/female) sl*ts, no matter what fraud they take part in! This is now more or less settled from my side. Let's see how they (try to) comply with the academic standards into the future!
This enters of course in Philosophy, as a concern over the future, the ethics and Karl Popper and his concern for future by "Open Society and Its Enemies"!

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